Loye and Alden Miller Research Award

The Cooper Ornithological Society is pleased to present its 2006 Loye and Alden Miller Award to Robert E. Ricklefs in recognition of his scientific contributions to the fields of ornithology and ecology. Dr. Ricklefs has carried out extensive and innovative research in the areas of avian development, reproduction, and demography, including publishing a book on Avian Growth and Development: Evolution within the Altricial-Precocial Spectrum (with J. M. Starck, 1998). He has also made fundamental contributions in the areas of population and community ecology, species diversity, and the biology of aging. His two globally recognized and widely used textbooks, Ecology and The Economy of Nature, in their 4th and 5th editions, respectively, have set the standard for 30 years, informing and inspiring thousands of students. More recently he has been a leader in integrating phylogenetic data into community ecology.{ label needed for fig[@id='i0010-5422-109-1-229-f01'] }

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Robert E. Ricklefs, recipient of the Loye and Alden Miller Research Award for 2006.


Dr. Ricklefs is a prolific writer, having authored or edited six books, more than 250 papers in refereed journals, and nearly 100 commentaries, book chapters, reports, and book reviews. Although more than 70 percent of his publications deal with birds, the focus of his research is anything but static. He has also published extensively on plants, malarial parasites, lepidopteran larvae, and other taxa.

Dr. Ricklefs has received many awards that attest to the national and global impact of his research, his sustained productivity, and the creativity of his work. Among these awards are the Brewster Medal, American Ornithologists' Union (1991), President's Award, American Society of Naturalists (1998), Presidential Award for Research and Creativity, University of Missouri System (2001), Fellows Award, The Academy of Science of St. Louis (2002), and the Sewall Wright Award, American Society of Naturalists (2005).

Dr. Ricklefs received a Bachelor's degree in Biology from Stanford University in 1963 and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1967 with a dissertation on “The Significance of Growth Patterns in Birds.” Following a year as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, he joined the faculty of the Biology Department at the University of Pennsylvania. He remained there until 1995, when he moved to the University of Missouri at St. Louis to assume his current position of Curators' Professor of Biology.

Honorary Memberships

Bonnie S. Bowen{ label needed for fig[@id='i0010-5422-109-1-229-f02'] }

The Cooper Ornithological Society is pleased to bestow Honorary Membership on Dr. Bonnie S. Bowen for her past outstanding service to the Society. Dr. Bowen received her B.S. in 1972 from Cornell University, and completed a Ph.D. in Genetics at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1978. Following graduation, she assumed postgraduate research positions in Biology at the University of California–San Diego, Idaho State University, and the State University of New York, Albany. In 1985 she became an Assistant Professor at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, and then moved to a position as a Biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jamestown, North Dakota. In 1995 Dr. Bowen moved to Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, where she remains today on the faculty in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology. She also served as the first woman Executive Director of the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory from 2005–2006. Dr. Bowen's research has focused on the genetics of rodents, the behavior of Grooved-billed Anis (Crotoophaga sulcirostris) and Mexican Jays (Aphelocoma ultramarina), and, recently, on the genetics of mussels in mid-America. She has published 17 papers and has mentored a number of graduate students. She is presently involved with a large NSF grant at Iowa State University that examines ways to advance women in university faculty positions.

The Cooper Ornithological Society has greatly benefited from the outstanding service that Dr. Bowen has provided over the years. From 1996 through 1999 she served on the COS Board of Directors. Her service with OSNA on behalf of COS (and AOU) in the late 1990s was essential to bringing better organization to OSNA, which in turn helped COS by providing membership services and information about membership trends. Dr. Bowen was elected COS Treasurer in 1999 and balanced the Society's financial records until 2002. She overlapped the Treasurer position with serving as the COS President-Elect from 2001–2003, then in 2003 assumed presidency of the Cooper Ornithological Society, an office that she held until 2005. Dr. Bowen continues to work with the officers and members of the COS, providing guidance and direction. For her extensive and outstanding contributions and service to our Society, the Cooper Ornithological Society is proud to award Honorary Membership to Dr. Bonnie S. Bowen.

David S. Dobkin{ label needed for fig[@id='i0010-5422-109-1-229-f03'] }

The Cooper Ornithological Society is pleased to bestow Honorary Membership on Dr. David S. Dobkin for his unselfish and outstanding service to the Society. Dr. Dobkin received his B.A. in Biology from George Washington University in 1972, an M.Sc. in Zoology and Entomology from Colorado State University in 1975, and a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of California, Berkley in 1983. His dissertation examined the complex ecological interactions among hummingbirds, their floral resources, and nectar-feeding mites that use hummingbirds for transportation between plants.

Following graduation, Dr. Dobkin served for three years as a post-doctoral fellow and Senior Ecologist in the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University before assuming a position as Assistant Professor of Zoology at Rutgers University. After a sabbatical in the West at the High Desert Museum, he founded the High Desert Ecological Research Institute in Bend, Oregon, in 1993, and has served as the institute's Executive Director since its inception. His areas of research interest are quite broad, having focused on the physiological ecology of small mammals, flea taxonomy, microclimatic influences on behavior of mites and insects, use of flowers by nectar-feeding birds, Neotropical migrant bird habitat use, and, most recently, the application of conservation biology toward the preservation of Great Basin birds and western riparian habitats. He has worked extensively on conservation issues and has served on a multitude of Science Advisory and Review panels across America. Dr. Dobkin has authored seven books and over 50 published papers, a number of which have appeared in The Condor.

The Cooper Ornithological Society has certainly benefited from the outstanding service that Dr. Dobkin has provided the Society. In 1996 he was elected to the COS Board of Directors and served through 1999. In 2000 he was selected as Editor of The Condor and continues in that position today. His creativity and sensitivity as Editor, coupled with his tireless work in soliciting and editing scientific papers, has made The Condor one of the foremost ornithological journals in the world. For his outstanding contributions and service as Editor to our Society, the Cooper Ornithological Society is proud to award Honorary Membership to Dr. David S. Dobkin.

Eileen M. Kirsch{ label needed for fig[@id='i0010-5422-109-1-229-f04'] }

The Cooper Ornithological Society is pleased to bestow Honorary Membership on Dr. Eileen M. Kirsch for her past outstanding service to the Society. Dr. Kirsch received undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, beginning with a B.S. in Biology in 1984, followed by an M.A. in Biology in 1986. She culminated her education with a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Montana in 1992. Her graduate work, as a cooperative education student, explored questions surrounding habitat selection and productivity of Least Terns (Sterna antillarum) on the Lower Platte River in Nebraska. Following graduation, she assumed a position working for the USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin. In La Crosse, Dr. Kirsch has conducted research on habitat requirements of Double-crested Cormorants on the Upper Mississippi River and breeding songbirds in riparian forests and wetlands. Her recent research interests have focused on spring migratory birds, with a special emphasis on the value of upland versus floodplain habitats for songbirds during migration. She has published over 20 scientific papers on these research topics.

Dr. Kirsch's association with the Cooper Ornithological Society began with her 1991 student paper at the Cooper Ornithological Society Annual Meeting. Since that time she has unselfishly devoted large portions of her professional efforts toward helping the COS. She is a regular attendee at annual COS meetings and has presented and reviewed a number of professional papers for The Condor. Dr. Kirsch served as Chair of the Student Paper Awards Committee in 1996 and from 1996–1997 served on the Student Participation Committee. She also hosted a very successful annual COS meeting in La Crosse, Wisconsin, in 2004. In addition to hosting the annual meeting, she has diligently served as Secretary to the COS from 1997–2006. Thus, the Cooper Ornithological Society is proud to award Honorary Membership to Dr. Eileen M. Kirsch for her outstanding contributions to our Society.

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Bonnie S. Bowen, recipient of Honorary Membership in the Cooper Ornithological Society, 2006.


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David S. Dobkin, recipient of Honorary Membership in the Cooper Ornithological Society, 2006.


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Eileen M. Kirsch, recipient of Honorary Membership in the Cooper Ornithological Society, 2006.

"Award Announcements," The Condor 109(1), 229-231, (1 February 2007). https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2007)109[229:AA]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 February 2007
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